Sacred way by-laws
Article 1:
Classes: Full members (Way-Keepers), candidates (Seekers), distinguished members (exemplar), spiritually advanced members (priest(ess)), our female spiritual leaders (mother), our male leaders are (father), The highest honor, given to the bravest and most noble individual who risks their own safety and life to help others or to maintain our sacred way and mission, is the title of Noble.
- Eligibility: Membership is reserved for those who refuse to take the easy path, continually striving for excellence and holding themselves and others to the highest ideals of service and honor.
- Exclusions: sex offenders, child abusers, elderly abusers and anyone who is known to prey on the weak are not permitted nor tolerated in or on sacred way property and membership.
- way-keepers: have voting rights with access to annual and special assemblies, full access to any present and future amenities, as well as any services provided for member wellbeing and benefit.
- Seekers: have only privileged access to non-assembly meetings and may have access to ceremonies if sponsored by a member.
- Exemplar: these distinguished men and women, exemplars of honor and service are chosen by general members, and approved by council, to be leadership. If the members decline to enter leadership, the title of exemplar will remain as an honor for their work.
- fathers/chief are male leaders in charge of secular governance.
- mothers/chieftess: are female members who oversee all ritual ceremonies. Like chiefs/fathers these members follow the same process of election for their work in spiritual, ritual governance.
- Admission: seekers may be admitted after a period of nine months, in which time all the local members should know them. The local chief and chieftess will hold an election assembly placing the matter in a vote. A unanimous vote is sought for admission, (this is done for psychological reasons of all involved) however, if vote falls short of unanimous the chief, chieftess and council will meet with objectors to determine the reasoning. If found to be petty the leadership will veto those votes, and the seeker will be approved. If found to be valid the leadership will bring in the seeker to meet the objections
- Priests: are members of considerable spiritual abilities who will have a place of honor within the sacred way.
- Noble: the highest honor within the sacred way. Reserved for members who have acted on behalf of others in an action that required selflessness, sacrifice and courage.
Article II:
Governance, elections, and assemblies.
- Local houses shall elect a father/chief (who leads the secular affairs), mother/chieftess (who leads ritual/spiritual affairs), a law speaker (who leads the house in all law affairs internal and external) and council members nine in number, whose duty it is to advise the three in matters of importance.
- The chief and chieftess will stand on behalf of their kindred in state assemblies.
- State assemblies shall elect a chief and chieftess to become Jarl and Jarla who will stand on behalf of all the local state kindreds in national affairs. The state assembly shall elect a high law speaker who will lead the state assembly in which local disputes shall be settled.
- An elder chief, chieftess, law speaker and council shall be elected by and from the national assembly to lead all national affairs.
- The elder’s, chiefs, chieftess’s and law speakers shall form a master assembly to elect a master chief, chieftess law speaker and council. The master assembly is where new laws shall be proposed.
- Duties of law-speaker: the law-speaker is judge in any situation needing mediation, when two parties cannot resolve conflict. He will also be enforcing the law when needed and may appoint a deputy to aid in this duty.
- Duties of chief: the chief shall conduct the mission of the kindred. He shall be the head of the council, directing the use of treasury funds,
- Duties of chieftess: Lead all religious ritual, write ritual, oversee life’s landmarks such as births, deaths, weddings, Initiations into orders, puberty ceremonies and sacred name recognition.
- Duties of council: a member will be treasurer, responsible for maintaining and growing the treasury. Remaining members will be the general council. Experienced and wise.
Article III:
gender roles and facts.
- Recognizing only two genders, we honor the sacred masculine and feminine.
- We cultivate these qualities in ourselves and reject the notion of changing gender identity.
- We deem it the most shameful, evil, and dishonorable an act to pervert a child’s mind with this degradation. It is an act of war against our society and especially innocent children.
- Sexual preferences have no business in the public. However, it is also not to be shamed when involving consenting adults.
- the roles of men and women outside of generalizing must be given exceptions.
- That said, men are protectors, material providers, rulers of the home, responsible for the expansion of the family wealth and wellbeing.
- Women are wise counselors, healers, spiritual leaders, recorders of history, and the last line of defense against the evils of this world.
This is based on natural evolutionary psychology and historical precedent prior to the manipulation of our reality and history. By immoral and dishonorable forces of this world.
Article IV: Treasury Activities
Section 1: Treasury Management
- Treasurer Duties:
The Treasurer, a member of the Council, is responsible for maintaining and growing the treasury. This includes managing the church’s financial assets, overseeing income and expenditures, and ensuring accurate and transparent financial reporting.
- Treasury Records:
Detailed records of all financial transactions must be maintained. These records include income, expenditures, donations, and any other financial activities. These records are confidential and only accessible to authorized members as stipulated in Section 7.
Section 2: Income Sources
- Membership Contributions:
Contributions from members, including tithe’s, donations, and special offerings, are primary sources of income. Members are encouraged to contribute regularly to support the financial health of the kindred.
- Fundraising Activities:
Various fundraising activities, such as events, sales, and campaigns, are conducted to generate additional income for the treasury.
- Grants and Donations:
- The church may seek grants and accept donations from individuals, organizations, and benefactors who align with the values and mission of the kindred.
Section 3: Budgeting and Expenditures
- Annual Budget:
An annual budget is prepared by the Treasurer in consultation with the Council and approved by the Chief. This budget outlines expected income and planned expenditures for the fiscal year.
- Expenditure Approval:
Expenditures exceeding a specified amount must be approved by a majority vote of the Council. Routine expenses within the budget can be managed by the Treasurer with oversight from the Chief.
- Emergency Expenditures:
In case of emergencies, the Chief has the authority to approve expenditure’s necessary to address urgent needs, subject to subsequent review by the Council.
Section 4: Financial Oversight
- Internal Audits:
The Council conducts regular internal audits to ensure financial integrity and accountability. These audits are documented and reviewed by the Chief and Chieftess.
- External Audits:
- External audits may be conducted as deemed necessary by the Council to provide an unbiased review of the financial practices and records.
Section 5: Privacy and Confidentiality
- Confidential Financial Records:
- Financial records are kept confidential and are accessible only to the Treasurer, Chief, Chieftess, and authorized Council members. Information about individual contributions and member financial details is strictly private.
- Anonymity of Donors:
- Donors who wish to remain anonymous can do so. Their identities will not be disclosed publicly or to the general membership, ensuring privacy in relation to their contributions.
Section 6: Financial Assistance and Loans
- Member Assistance Fund:
- A portion of the treasury is allocated to assist members in need. This includes financial aid for emergencies, health expenses, and other critical needs, as approved by the Council.
- Zero Interest Loans:
- The kindred offers zero-interest loans to members for endeavors that benefit them and sacred way as a whole. Applications for such loans are reviewed and approved by the Council.
Section 7: Reporting and Transparency
- Annual Financial Report:
- An annual financial report is prepared by the Treasurer and presented to the general membership during the Annual Meeting. This report provides an overview of income, expenditures, and the financial status of sacred way.
- Transparency in Financial Matters:
- While maintaining confidentiality, sacred way kindred commits to transparency in its financial dealings. Summarized financial reports are made available to members to ensure trust and accountability.
Section 8: Compensation
- Compensation Policy:
- sacred way values the dedication and work of its members, especially those in leadership and key roles. Compensation for services rendered, including for the Chief, Chieftess, Law-Speaker, and Council members, shall be fair and in accordance with the church's financial capacity and principles.
- Approval of Compensation:
- Any compensation must be approved by a majority vote of the Council and should be transparent to the general membership. The amount and nature of compensation will be documented and included in the annual financial report.
- Volunteer Contributions:
- While some roles may be compensated, sacred way also relies on the volunteer contributions of its members. Volunteering is encouraged to foster community spirit and reduce financial strain on the treasury.
- Expense Reimbursement:
- Members who incur expenses while performing duties for sacred way can request reimbursement. Such requests must be documented and approved by the Treasurer and the Chief.
Section 9: Amendments to Financial Bylaws
- Proposal and Approval:
- Amendments to the financial bylaws can be proposed by any full member (Way-Keeper) and must be reviewed by the Council. Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote of the Council for approval.
- Notification:
- Members are notified of proposed amendments at least one month before the vote to allow for discussion and feedback.
Article V: Penalties and Punishments
Section 1: General Principles
- Justice:
- Penalties and punishments within sacred way are designed to uphold justice, reflecting the principles of honor, service, and accountability.
- Restorative Approach:
- Whenever possible, penalties aim to be restorative rather than purely punitive, encouraging rehabilitation and reconciliation.
Section 2: Minor Infractions
- Definition:
- Minor infractions include actions that violate the bylaws or values of sacred way but do not cause significant harm to individuals or property.
- Examples:
- Disrespectful behavior, minor breaches of protocol, or failure to fulfill member duties.
- Penalties:
- Verbal Warning: The first instance of a minor infraction may result in a verbal warning from the Chief or Chieftess.
- Written Warning: A second infraction may result in a written warning, documented, and placed in the member's record.
- Community Service: Repeated minor infractions may require the member to perform community service or contribute additional duties to the benefit of sacred way.
Section 3: Major Infractions
- Definition:
- Major infractions are serious violations that cause significant harm to individuals or property, or that severely undermine the values and mission of sacred way.
- Examples:
- Theft, assault, deceit, or actions that endanger the safety and well-being of members.
- Penalties:
- Fines: Financial penalties may be imposed, with the amount determined by the severity of the infraction and the member's ability to pay.
- Temporary outlawry: A member may be temporarily outlawed from participating in sacred way activities and accessing amenities.
- Probation: The members may be placed on probation, during which their behavior and actions are closely monitored.
Section 4: Severe Infractions
- Definition:
- Severe infractions are egregious violations that threaten the integrity, safety, and harmony of sacred way.
- Examples:
- Acts of violence, severe breaches of trust, exploitation, or actions that fundamentally conflict with the core values of sacred way kindred.
- Penalties:
- Expulsion/outlawed: The member may be expelled/outlawed from sacred way kindred, permanently losing all rights and privileges associated with membership.
- Public Censure: In cases where the community's trust needs to be restored, the members may be publicly censured before the assembly.
- Restitution: The members may be required to make restitution to those harmed by their actions, either financially or through services.
Section 5: Enforcement and Mediation
- Role of the Law-Speaker:
- The Law-Speaker is responsible for enforcing penalties and mediating disputes. They ensure that justice is served and that all parties are heard.
- Chief as Law-Speaker: If the Law-Speaker participates in a dispute or infraction, the Chief will assume the role of Law-Speaker to ensure impartiality and fairness.
- Mediation Process:
- Before imposing severe penalties, a mediation process is conducted to resolve conflicts and seek a restorative solution. The Law-Speaker, Chief, and Chieftess may participate in this process.
Section 6: Appeals
- Right to Appeal:
- Members have the right to appeal penalties imposed upon them. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Council within 30 days of the penalty being issued.
- Appeal Hearing:
- The Council will review the appeal and hold a hearing where the members can present their case. The decision of the Council is final and binding.
Section 7: Honor and Rehabilitation
- Path to Redemption:
- Members who have been penalized have the opportunity to redeem themselves through honorable actions and demonstrating a commitment to the values of sacred way.
- Reinstatement:
- Expelled members may apply for reinstatement after a period of no less than one year, showing evidence of personal growth and alignment with sacred way values. Reinstatement requires a majority vote by the Council.
Article VI: Supremacy of Founder(s) Authority
Section 1. Founder(s) Authority
The Founder(s) of sacred way kindred shall possess supreme and unchallenged authority over the structuring, reformation, and leadership appointments within the kindred. This authority is granted for the purpose of ensuring that the kindred aligns with its foundational principles and the spirit of honor.
Section 2. Duration of Supremacy
The Founder(s) authority, as detailed in Section 1, shall remain in effect for a period not to exceed nine (9) years from the date of the kindreds establishment. During this period, the Founder(s) is entrusted with the discretion to make any necessary changes to ensure the Order's success and adherence to its core values.
Section 3. Transition to Established Laws
Upon the conclusion of the nine-year period, or upon the Founder(s) determination that the kindred is sufficiently aligned with the spirit of honor, whichever occurs first, the kindred shall transition to governance as outlined in its established laws and bylaws. At that time, the Founder's authority to alter the structure, leadership, or any other fundamental aspect of the kindred shall cease, and the kindred shall operate in accordance with the laws previously set forth.
Section 4. Finality of Founder's Decisions
All decisions made by the Founder(s) under the authority granted by this clause shall be final and binding. These decisions shall not be subject to revision or reversal by any other body or authority within sacred way kindred during the period of the Founder’s supremacy.
Section 5. Preservation of Foundational Values
The Founder(s) actions during the period of supremacy shall be guided by the principle of preserving and fostering the spirit of honor, which is the cornerstone of sacred way kindred. All changes and appointments made under this clause shall be for the long-term benefit and stability of the kindred.
Article II: Effective Date
This Supremacy Clause shall take effect immediately upon the formal establishment of sacred way kindred and shall remain in force as stipulated above.
Article VII
Founder(s) anonymity.
The founder(s) anonymity is to be maintained in perpetuity.
This is to avoid a cult of personality.
Avoiding any effect good or bad by the founder(s) identity.
Allow the founder(s) to observe the operations of sacred way kindred unnoticed, availing the ability to modify or correct errors of the kindred.